Less Than 1% of People Are Excited to Reunite with Their Coworkers….Are You One Of Them?

Shocked surprised man looking at laptop


I am not sure about your situation, but I have been working from home since March. It is nice to not real pants, shower whenever, and not deal with a morning commute. It sucks not having interaction. I cannot wait to get back to the actual building with real people. This doesn’t apply to everyone

There’s a good chance you miss seeing your family and friends if you’ve been keeping your distance during the pandemic.

But there’s one group of people we DON’T miss.

A new survey asked people who they’re excited to reunite with when it’s safe again . . . and only 0.78% of people say they’re excited to be with their coworkers again.  That’s less than one out of 100 people.



(PR Newswire)