43 People Who “Fell from Grace” This Decade


“Business Insider” has a list of 43 people who have “fallen from grace” throughout the 2010s . . . and naturally, a lot of them were uncovered during the #MeToo movement.

Here are the most recognizable names . . . although it’s worth pointing out that some of these people have attempted to redeem themselves to some degree, and some of their convictions and alleged crimes are far more serious than others.

1.  “Winner” Charlie Sheen

2.  Lewd photo-sender Anthony Weiner

3.  Lying doper Lance Armstrong

4.  Dead murderer Aaron Hernandez

5.  Paralympic killer Oscar Pistorius

6.  Racist / racially insensitive Paula Deen

7.  Fiancée beater Ray Rice

8.  Sister molester Josh Duggar

9.  Dead pedophile Mark Salling

10.  Jailed pedophile Jared Fogle

11.  Sexual harasser Roger Ailes

12.  Sexual assaulting gymnastics doctor Larry Nasser

13.  Sexual harasser Bill O’Reilly

14.  Jailed sex trafficker R. Kelly

15.  Rapist Harvey Weinstein

16.  Sexual harassing photographer Terry Richardson

17.  Sexual harasser Matt Lauer

18.  Sexual harasser Kevin Spacey

19.  Sexual harasser Charlie Rose

20.  sexual harasser Al Franken

21.  Sexual harasser Mario Batali

22.  Serial rapist Bill Cosby

23.  Racist / racially insensitive Roseanne Barr

24.  Racist / racially insensitive Megyn Kelly

(Hit up BusinessInsider.com for the whole list.)