A Karen in Arizona Throws a Mask Tantrum in Target and Gets Arrested! ***Watch***

I get it. People hate wearing the masks!!! You do you, but this is just out of line…. My parents live in Arizona. I was supposed to fly their on the 17th, but cancelled the trip because it is a Covid Hotbed right now. This woman needs therapy, Jesus, or both…

A woman in Arizona ripped all the masks off a display at Target and threw them on the ground.  She gets confronted by two employees who nicely ask her to stop.  She questions why, and points out her expensive watch.

Shortly after the tantrum at Target, she got arrested.  Before they cuffed her, she advised them she’s a spokesperson for the White House . . . and more.

Just a reminder that crazy is everywhere. Last weekend it was at a Target in Arizona. Stay safe my friends.